PS DOORS Manufacturing Division upgrades to the new ISO 9001:2015 certification. As of September 1, 2017 PS DOORS re-certified its ISO certification and upgraded to the new 2015 standard, one year ahead of schedule.
“ISO 9001 helps organizations demonstrate to customers that they can offer products and services of consistently good quality,” according to this article on PS DOORS’ Core Purpose is to create products that protect people and property. Our employees, distributors, and customers expect PS DOORS products to exceed expectations and those who come into contact with our products on a daily basis, know this to be true.
“Our quality doesn’t come from a bolt-on quality system, it is integrated with our Core Values, our Proven Processes and having the right people in the right seat.” said Cory Melland, President of PS DOORS, “the true test of a quality program is that it is just a part of your culture, and part of our promise to our customers. Our commitment to teamwork drives us to succeed and to bring about the value that we can proudly stand behind.”
ISO9001 is an internationally recognized Quality Management System