20 years ago, our hometown of Grand Forks faced flooding that devastated our city. Today, we have a thriving and beautiful downtown where the waters once were. This couldn’t have been made possible without the aid of others.
That is why, we are excited to say that we partnered with Twining Elementary and Middle School Students from the Grand Forks Air
Force Base to ship 490 pounds of school supplies to students near Houston who were impacted by Hurricane Harvey in Victoria, Texas.
These students worked hard and we are so proud of the selfless work they have done to help students they may never know across the country from them. Their supplies shipped out shortly after Hurricane Harvey hit and have since arrived and been distributed.
“Our students collected school supplies for hurricane/flooding victims in Victoria, TX. We came at it from a ‘pay it forward’ aspect since 20 years ago, we in Grand Forks had a devastating flood as well and people helped us out. I have a personal connection to Victoria as I have family there who are in the school system and that’s why we sent our collected supplies there” – Lisa Carl, a teacher at Twining Elementary.
We are thankful for those who helped us 20 years ago and we are happy to partner with these students to ship the supplies they collected down to Texas and continue on the “pay it forward” chain that was started when we faced our own flood.